Female betta fish are known for their endless antics and hilarious antics. But not all of them are as fun and happy-go-lucky as they seem. They also have their fair share of troubles, and it’s not just because they’re naturally picky about their friends. If you’re anything like us, then you probably wondered why your female giant betta fish were always fighting with each other in such a vicious manner. Here are some possible reasons why your female betta fish are always fighting with each other.
They’re too demanding
Female betta fish can be very demanding, especially when it comes to food. It’s important to keep an eye on their dietary needs and make sure that they’re getting what they need. If your female betta fish are too demanding, then they might be going through a metamorphosis. This happens when a betta suddenly gets a taste for more food than usual. This might not be such a big deal if your female betta fish are not getting enough attention. But they are. If they’re so needy, then they might not be getting enough attention. Try giving them more space and see if they are happier.
They’re not getting enough attention
If your female betta fish are not getting enough attention, then they might try to seek attention by fighting with each other. This might not be such a bad thing if you have several female bettas in your tank. But it’s not ideal if you just have one female betta. If she’s not getting enough attention, then she might start fighting with her tank mates. Try going through your aquarium and find the female betta that’s getting more attention. If you have more than one, then they might be fighting with each other over who gets the attention.
They don’t feel safe
Female betta fish might feel unsafe if they have big siblings, or if your tank is too small. This is especially true for betta fish that are only a few weeks old. All fish need a certain amount of room to swim, avoid each other, and feel safe. If your female betta feels unsafe, then she might start fighting with her tank mates. Just like your female betta fish might be too demanding, they might also be feeling unsafe. If they’re not getting the attention that they need, then they might start to feel unsafe. Try introducing other kinds of fish to see if that helps. Or you can try getting a larger tank to allow your female betta fish more space.
Finally, they just need some space
Female betta fish are finicky creatures by nature. This means that they might be seeking more space in your tank. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re not happy in their current home. It could just mean that they need more space. Try adding a larger piece of gravel to your tank, or even an anacharis plant. This will give your female betta fish more space to swim around and feel safe. Adding a larger piece of gravel to your tank will help your female betta fish because they’ll have more room to swim and feel safe.
There are many reasons why your female betta fish are fighting. While some might want to seek attention or be too demanding, others might be feeling unsafe or just need some more room. All of these can lead to a female betta fish that is constantly fighting with her tank mates. There might be several other reasons as well, but these are the most common. If you’re anything like us, then you probably wanted to know why your female betta fish were always fighting with each other. With this in mind, let’s go through some of the reasons that your female betta fish are always fighting.