People may confuse the three materials of PEEK plastic, PPS material, and Ultem 1000. And without a clear understanding, it is hard to make comparisons. We have thus created this article for ease of reference for anyone who needs it.
PEEK plastic, PPS material, and Ultem 1000 are three very similar high-performance engineering plastics with many similarities. But there are also differences that help each plastic stand out from the others. Here is a brief look at their similarities and differences.
When choosing a plastic, Ultem 1000 and PEEK are both good options. Both materials can be molded in many ways, have high heat resistance (up to 800C) for a wide range of applications, accurate dimensional stability, and excellent environmental resistance against chemicals, oils, and water.
This is the main difference between PEEK plastic and PPS material, both of them are durable, strong, and high-temperature resistant plastics.
PEEK (PolyEtherEtherKetone) is a thermoplastic polymer produced by reacting polyethylene (polyethylene terephthalate) with ketone groups. PEEK is a highly crystalline material, which makes it very strong. It also has a high melting point (around 330 °C depending on the grade) and good chemical resistance. The following article focuses on PEKK (PolyEtherEtherKetone), which is a type of PEEK that combines high strength with excellent thermal stability.
PEEK is a more expensive material than PPS, but if you choose the China PEEK sheet supplier then your cost in this material will reduce a lot. Moreover, PEEK plastic is also stronger and less brittle. It has a higher melting point and holds its shape better under pressure than PPS does. It also has higher chemical resistance than PPS. However, PPS doesn’t degrade from heat over long periods of time, so it may be preferable for use in high-heat environments.
PPS VS Ultem 1000
I know you must be wondering what the difference is between Ultem 1000 and PPS. The truth is, it’s not much of a difference. They are both plastic materials that can be used for 3D printing. They both work well with PLA and ABS filament. Both have excellent thermal conductivity and can print without warping at high temperatures.
Ultem 1000 has been around for quite some time, while PPS is relatively new to the market. If you look for the material, use the China PPS sheet to produce your components. Both of these materials have been used in various industries for their unique properties. The difference between the two can be found in specific properties that make one more suitable than the other for a certain application.
PEEK VS Ultem 1000
PEEK plastic and Ultem 1000 polymer are both thermoplastics. They are also both translucent, having a milky white color, and they are both very impact resistant.
The major difference between the two materials is in their chemical composition, which is why they have different physical properties.
Ultem 1000 polymer is made from a mixture of bisphenol A (BPA) and a copolymer of ethylene oxide (EO) with propylene oxide (PO). It is commonly used in applications where high-temperature performance or radiation resistance is required. Both PEEK and Ultem 1000 polymer have high thermal stability up to 260 degrees Celsius.
Ultem 1000 is a thermoplastic polyetherimide that is engineered to meet the most critical aerospace and automotive applications. These applications always need machining, contact Ultem 1000 rod manufacturer for the material. It’s one of the most valuable engineering plastics in existence, with unparalleled performance and safety.
Ultem 1000 is a high-temperature resistant thermoplastic engineering resin with an excellent combination of strength, stiffness, hardness, and toughness at elevated temperature and chemical resistance at industrial use levels. It is designed for applications where excellent mechanical properties at elevated temperatures are required.