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HomeBusiness3 Fun Ideas for Your Next Work Meeting

3 Fun Ideas for Your Next Work Meeting

If you ask most employees, company meetings are the worst. For them, getting together with their coworkers to talk about the company is dull and unnecessary. For a manager like you, their lack of enthusiasm can lead to poor participation and low information retention. To make your company meetings a success, they need to be interesting. If you’re looking for ways to make your next meeting fun, the following ideas may help.

Coffee Bar

Going off-site is one of the best ways to increase interest in your work meetings. Whether you’re meeting to announce new products or discuss quarterly performance, leaving the office will increase your staff’s participation. One destination you can go to that will combine productivity and fun is a coffee bar. If your office is in a larger city, you may have access to chain coffee shops that have meeting rooms. Getting out of the office and visiting a cafe with delicious coffee and pastries will encourage participation in your meeting, no matter the subject.

If you don’t have access to a coffee bar or your team works from home, there are options for you too. A virtual coffee tasting can bring your whole crew together, no matter how spread apart you are. Many of these tastings will send the individual flavors to you, which will make it easy to distribute to your staff. If your meeting will be taking place over a video service like Zoom, you can all try new, exotic flavors of coffee together while you discuss the important subject matter. Whether your team works together or in their own homes, meeting for coffee can boost interest in your company meetings.

Lunch Meeting

Along similar lines, meeting off-site for a company lunch can increase participation in your regular meetings. Depending on the size of your party, you may be able to reserve a private room at a larger restaurant to meet in, which will give you room to spread out. If your meeting is smaller, reserving individual tables will ensure you have space for everyone without your staff getting separated.

Once your meal is over, you can gather your staff and go over the necessary information. Your team will be much more likely to listen after their appetite is satisfied, so be sure to wait until everyone is done eating. If possible, try to cover at least part of the charge on the company’s dime. If your employees aren’t paying out of pocket to participate in the meeting, they’ll be more interested in helping you and participating in the meeting. Lunch meetings tend to work better than dinner or breakfast, as you’ll have your team in their most productive headspace. By getting your employees out of their offices and giving them food, you can make space for creative thought and active participation in your meetings.

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Company Game Night

Finally, a company game night is a great segue for your necessary meetings. If you have someone to help you plan, you can set up a themed party, such as a casino night. Whether you have a set theme or not, playing games with your employees can build a sense of community, teamwork, and respect between people of all levels of importance. If you’re having your game night at work, competitive card games, board games, and brain teasers can stir up some laughs among coworkers. Simple competitions like musical chairs encourage participation and help each team member feel more relatable to others.

If you want something more extravagant, heading to an arcade can be a fun vehicle for a company meeting. These arcades often have small rooms for parties, which will allow you to discuss the more essential information of the evening after everyone has had some fun. Whether you’re meeting with only a couple of coworkers or a couple dozen, incorporating light-hearted, competitive games into your next meeting will build community in your company.

Overall, business meetings don’t have to be a drag. With these ideas, you can boost participation and enjoyment at your next quarterly gathering.



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