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HomeTechnologyWhich is Better for You: Native or Cross-Platform Apps? (And Why)

Which is Better for You: Native or Cross-Platform Apps? (And Why)

Cross-platform apps are apps that can be used on multiple platforms such as an iPhone, iPad, and Android. Cross-platform apps usually fall under the category of native apps. Native apps are a variation of a platform-specific app that may be developed to make certain functions within that particular platform as seamless as possible.

In other words, native apps are designed to work perfectly on that specific platform without the need to translate the code between platforms. On the other hand, cross-platform apps can generally be used on all of the major platforms whether it be iOS, Mac OS or Android. Cross-platform developers usually make their apps with the tools best suited to each device and platform in mind. custom mobile application development requires a high level of expertise in various domains like embedded systems, software development and user experience design etc. Check out mvp app development Altamira

Many companies offer custom mobile application development services to meet the needs of their clients. This can be done by a team of expert mobile app developers who have years of experience in this field.

The debate over native vs cross-platform app development is one of the most heated and long-standing in the tech industry. On one side, you have developers who prefer building native apps because they can take advantage of more features and technologies than their cross-platform counterparts. On the other side, there are those who favour using cross-platform frameworks for their ease of use, cost savings and faster deployment times.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches so that you can decide which type of app development is best for your business.

Pros of Native Mobile App Development:


Native apps are faster and more responsive than web apps or hybrid applications. They can do things that would be impossible in a browser-based environment (such as accessing the camera or GPS sensor) because they have direct access to the phone’s hardware components.

Battery Life:

Mobile devices have limited battery capacity; therefore, an app that performs poorly can drain your battery quicker than you expect. Since native applications use fewer resources than hybrid apps or web-based ones, they can last longer between charges.


Web browsers don’t necessarily protect your data from hackers. In fact, some malware is designed specifically for iOS devices because they don’t have security features like anti-virus protection.


Hybrid and cross-platform apps can be slow when it comes to loading times compared to native apps because they need to download additional code from the internet before being installed on your device (which can take time).


The quality of a native app can be compared with its desktop counterpart because they are developed using web technologies like AJAX and HTML5 which lead to poor user experience and frequent crashes on mobile browsers due to browser incompatibility issues. A native app offers better performance than hybrid apps because it runs directly on the device instead of running in a browser or emulator so there is no need for additional software.

Cons of Native Mobile App Development

A native mobile app has a lot of advantages. It can be built for specific needs and requirements, it’s easy to maintain, and it’s fast. But there are also some cons to be aware of.


Building a native mobile app is expensive. It requires hiring developers who know how to write code for multiple operating systems, using different programming languages (Objective C or Java for iOS, Java for Android). Then there’s testing and debugging. And if you want to make changes to your app, later on, you’ll need to pay for another round of coding and testing.

Slow Updates

Native apps need to be updated individually on each platform they’re released on. That means if you want to update your iOS version, you need to wait until Apple approves it — which can take weeks or even months. And once you do get approval, the update will only be available on iPhones running at least iOS 8 (which was released in 2014). If someone using an older phone wants the latest version, they have to wait for an Android update or install an older version of the app from an unofficial source.

Smaller Reach

Because native apps have limited reach and updates can take time, they don’t always appeal to users outside the target market of a particular device or OS version. For example, if you want to build an app that works on both Android phones and iPhones but most of your users are on Android devices at this point in time (and you want them to use your app), building a native Android app makes sense because more people will be able to access it right away

Pros of Cross-Platform App Development

Cross-platform apps are applications that run on more than one operating system. They have the ability to run on any device, regardless of its operating system. This means that you can develop one app and it will work on both iOS and Android devices.

Cost Efficiency

One of the biggest benefits of cross-platform development is the cost efficiency it provides. If you want an app for both Android and iOS users, then building an app twice will be much more expensive than building one application that can be used on both platforms. This not only saves you money but also reduces development time significantly.

 A Single Codebase

Another advantage of using a single codebase is that it makes updates much easier and less time consuming than having to update two separate apps separately. You don’t have to worry about bugs or performance issues in one platform affecting another because everything will be handled in one place by one team of developers.

Better User Experience

A good user experience is essential for any business no matter what industry it’s in, but especially when dealing with mobile applications where consumers expect an intuitive user interface that makes their lives easier rather than more difficult by forcing

Fast Time to Market

Cross-platform apps are easier to launch quickly due to their modular structure. New functionality can be added simply by adding a few lines of code without having to rewrite the entire application from scratch again and again for every platform you want it for.

Cons of Cross-Platform App Development

The benefits of cross-platform app development are many. You can reach a wider audience, you can save money and time, and you don’t have to worry about different hardware capabilities and software versions.

However, there are also some drawbacks to cross-platform apps.

Limited Features

The biggest drawback of cross-platform apps is that they’re not as feature-rich as native apps. This is because they need to be compatible with multiple operating systems and devices, while still allowing users to use their favourite features. For example, if you want a camera feature in your app, it will probably work differently on iOS than it does on Android. This means that some features won’t be available across all devices or platforms, which can be frustrating for users who want the same experience regardless of where they are or what device they’re using at any given time.

Poor Performance

Another major drawback of cross-platform apps is that they often perform poorly compared to native applications — especially when it comes to graphics rendering and animations, which can make an app feel sluggish or laggy when used by customers who expect a seamless user experience from their smartphone or tablet device



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