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How to prepare General Aptitude for GATE? What are the best books for the GATE General Aptitude paper?

The aptitude section of the GATE exam shows that the highest amount of scoring can be done, and this has to be understood from the very outset. Quite naturally, students tend to prefer to score in this area as much as possible so that there are no hassles to be seen, and they can go on to crack the exam easily. It must be remembered here that the golden rule in all cases is to ensure that there is the proper amount of practice to be seen at large. Apart from that, we shall discuss some important tips and books for the general aptitude section in the GATE exam.

Preparation Tips

As a habit

Habit is a propensity. Attempt to remember it for your routine and can’t be dominated in a day or week so far as that is concerned. Therefore, in this case, giving due efforts is immensely important to reckon with here.

Giving time

Attempt to commit two or three hours in a day to rehearse fitness segment. Indeed, even ten inquiries on an everyday schedule can help you a ton. The best resource for any kind of preparation is thus understood to be time and when people focus on this, qualifying for the exam truly becomes easier.

Short tricks

Attempt to be legitimate rather than zeroing in on advances or techniques. Balancing such factors is thus immensely important. This can go on to help a lot.


Take a stab at picturing issues; it can assist you with tackling precarious inquiries. As per the psychologists, this is one of the best means to ensure that there is proper clearance to be seen in the mind, and then only can adequate means of fulfilling the different goals can be done with precision in this case.

Not relying much on calculators

Try not to rely upon the adding machine. For example, questions might be simple, and you are burning through your time by computing on the mini-computer. Instead, one can focus on the efforts that they give to succeed.


Attempt to tackle one issue on various occasions before abandoning the inquiries and endeavor each time according to an alternate point of view. Settling inquiries on ordinary premise upgrades your similarity and can assist you with handling an extreme inquiry.

Staying mentally fit

Address fitness inquiries at standard stretches while you have some time off from specialized subjects with the goal that your psyche gets invigorated.

Proper plans

Keep a fair methodology between concentrates on schedule and relaxation time. Time for Leisure can be 1-2 hours every day. Attempt to develop the propensity for playing outside games too. It opens and invigorates your psyche.

Fostering skills of comprehension

Additionally, attempt to foster a propensity for understanding papers and articles in English magazines as it assists you with understanding the essential progression of the English language. This will assist you with addressing sentence structure questions effectively.

Taking help of online resources

While you plan for the Aptitude areas, you can visit a few sites and YouTube channels to return to the ideas. These resources are free and can help the students a lot.

Important books

Following are the important GATE books that people need to clear the exam in the aptitude section.

  • Quantitative Aptitude for All Competitive Examinations by Abhijit Guha
  • Rapid Quantitative Aptitude with Shortcut Tricks for Competitive Exams
  • A Modern Approach to Non-Verbal and Verbal Reasoning by RS Agarwal


To sum up, preparing for the General Aptitude section in the GATE exam requires sustained diligence. One must keep this in mind from the very beginning. Therefore, we evaluated the different perspectives here.

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