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HomeTechnology5 Essential Tips For Working At Home During The Holiday Season

5 Essential Tips For Working At Home During The Holiday Season

Working from home is becoming more common, whether you’re in a corporate job or an entrepreneur. In many industries, everything ramps up during the holiday season, so working from anywhere, especially at home, becomes a struggle. Get a Zoom background with company logo for your video meetings to reduce distractions. Practice self-care with these tips.

Prioritizing Tasks

Work smarter, not harder. The most productive people aren’t always the busiest, but they do understand how to get the most important tasks done to keep things moving forward. Have a routine that helps you prioritize your time and work. Use the Eisenhower Method or “Eat that frog” as a structure to manage your time. Delegate tasks when you can. Hire someone to take minor tasks off your plate to give you more freedom during the season.

Giving Yourself Grace

The holidays are a busier season, not only because of work. If you’re juggling your partner’s or kid’s schedule on top of your own, things can be harried. You don’t have to be perfect this month (or any month, for that matter.) Learn to say no to what you cannot take on. Be understanding when someone has to tell you no. Ask for help. Don’t try to do everything.

Communicating With Team Members

During the holidays, it’s important to stay on top of your schedule with your team. Collaboration makes for more productive efforts from everyone. Use your Zoom background with company logo when you’re videoconferencing. Balance the need for meetings against keeping in touch with everyone. Don’t have meetings just to meet. Use email or pick up the phone for quick briefs.

Getting Enough Rest

During the holidays, getting enough rest doesn’t mean just getting enough sleep, although that is important. It means that you need to take breaks and separate your work and home life so that you feel like you’ve stepped away from work. When people work from home, it can feel as if the lines are blurred. Put your computer away when you’re off duty. Don’t eat lunch at your desk. Stop reading and answering emails once you stop work.

Being Flexible

During the holiday season, it might be feast or famine when it comes to work projects. A winter storm can bring the supply chain to its knees. You may have to pivot in the middle of the week for a fever that stops you in your tracks. Learn to go with the flow and take care of yourself the best you can. You can only do so much in one day. Have a plan B when you get knocked down, even if it’s just to watch the snow fall from the sky when you don’t have any work.

Take advantage of the best Teams virtual backgrounds with holiday decorations to give you a professional look with your branding. Your Zoom background hides the office clutter and lets you be merry, even if your office doesn’t look like you’re ready for the holidays. Choose a neutral message, like Happy Holidays, to include all seasonal holidays.

Read also here –  – 3 Fun Ideas for Your Next Work Meeting



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